Bazar Blå
Swedish roots
Stockholm / Suécia
- Sinopse Promocional
- Bazar Blå – three master musicians from Sweden who have spent the last twenty years refining their sound and defining a space of their own in the world music scene. To celebrate 2016 they will release their 6th album and premiere a fully new repertoire. Bazar Blå creates new music that manages to be just as Swedish as it is globally irresistible. Using percussion, bass-guitars, bass-mandola and nyckelharpa - an ancient Swedish folk instrument – this trio has many addictive ways of spellbinding listeners.
- Website
http://bazarbla.com/ - Link vídeo
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCntj61MwJHzq2CuyvGh1kPg
Formação do grupo
- Key fiddle
- Johan Hedin
- Bass
- Björn Meyer
- Percussions
- Fredrik Gille