Anna Ferrer
Menorca / Espanha
- Sinopse Promocional
- "Tel·luria is when the elements of this universe are right in the place where they are ment to be, by which my senses can reach, in the Planet Earth's nature system. Tel·luria is the antialienation of human being as an animal specie". Tel·lúria is the first album of Anna Ferrer’s which collects her musical and personal process through an earthy and natural sonority close to the Menorcan folkloristic musical style. Tel.lúria pretends to be musically what Anna wants to be in life. She goes through deepness, connection with earth, celebration, reflection, spirituality, game, love and sensuality.
- Website
https://www.instagram.com/annaferrercoll/ - Link vídeo
- https://fG6REK9r_7E&app=desktop
Formação do grupo
- Singer
- Anna Ferrer
- Guitard
- Mario Mas
- Bass & mandola
- Guillem Aguilar